Yanis Varoufakis exposes Europe’s energy scam

Power companies have hiked the price of electricity, making a tough winter even worse. And this time, it’s not just the poorest who are affected. The middle class is also feeling the squeeze. How much of this is due to how our politicians have set up Europe’s energy market, and how much to corporate greed? What other factors are at play? And how can we get out of this mess? Yanis Varoufakis exposes Europe’s energy scam and explains how we can overcome it.

Dr. Thomas Cowan – The Heart Is Not A Pump

Dr. Thomas Cowan, M.D. explains how the human heart is not what pumps blood through the body. Shot at the Health and Human Rights Summit in Tucson, Arizona on March 12, 2020. Camera, sound and editing by Joshua Coleman.

After the main talk, Dr. Cowan briefly explains how the addition of new kinds of electrification and frequencies to our environment over the last century has been followed by ‘flu’ epidemics. This includes radio waves, radar, ‘satellites’, first through fifth generation wireless, etc.

The Gaping Maw of Technocratic Hell – (TPM episode 2)

This is Episode 2 of the brilliant series This Pivotal Moment. The video covers the machinations being advanced to set the stage for the controlled demolition of the failing financial system to be replaced with a CBDC slave collar. It also features details on the technocratic digital cage being built around us as some sleep and others prepare.

Our future is in our own hands and NO ONE is coming to our rescue. To quote the band Discharge, “You have no choice but to fight back, in defense of our future”. Our collective enemy is coming and they’re bringing Hell with them, what are you prepared to do?

Absolutely Worthless and Criminal Are the Constitution, Conservatism, ‘Liberalism,’ Voting, and Government

By Gary D. Barnett
February 14, 2023

“A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime; whether committed by one man, or by millions; whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, or by millions calling themselves a government.”

It is time to put to rest any false notion of government reform, of any and all government ‘laws,’ of the total fraud of voting, of ‘constitutional rights,’ (which do not exist) and of all government itself. Yes, this is a long overdue diatribe for all those who continue to think and do the very same things over and over again, expecting to gain a different outcome. I believe that is the definition of insanity, and for very good reason.

Any praise whatsoever of government, any government, is blatantly absurd, and ludicrous on its face. Government and the state are the essence of vast criminality and gang violence; far worse offences than any common criminal or gang of common criminals could commit. This is not arguable throughout the entire course of history. What is even more disturbing, is that in every revolution, every major act of dissent, every protest against the state, and during the whole of every period in history, every time a current sitting government is negated or ousted, the masses put into place another government expecting things to be better this time. It never has been in thousands of years, but the mass of humanity disregards this fact, and attempts to gain freedom by voluntarily creating or allowing another government master to rule them. The very idea of this is mindboggling to any intelligent individual, of which apparently there are far too few.

There are no heroes in government, there are no heroes in state or national militaries, there are no heroes in state enforcement agencies, there are no heroes in any state apparatus or state-sponsored entities; the real heroes stand alone, and the real heroes are enemies of the state.

A majority of what are labeled as citizens, (slaves of the state) continue to rely on the bogus Constitution and its criminal government courts to protect their so-called ‘written’ rights ‘granted’ by the state. This structure of government was created by felonious politicians and connected business magnates, in order to establish a coup meant only to expand and give ultimate and unlimited power to a federal government; this by fooling the confused people into believing that their natural rights could be transferred to a corrupt government run by a few dishonest ‘representatives,’ who for the most part are nothing more than narcissistic and psychopathic politicians. This worthless government document called a constitution is said to be the “supreme law of the land,” which means that acceptance of it would necessarily have to facilitate the negation of all inherent natural rights in favor of state-granted ‘rights.’ How utterly ridiculous is such nonsense as this.

Those who build, vote for, support, take part in, or sponsor, such an entity as government, have to rely on the premise and belief that government is bound to exact justice equally to all men, at all times; all based on an empty and impossible promise made to hundreds of millions of different individuals. None are under any contract whatsoever, which is literally beyond the bounds of absurdity. Each of the millions of sovereign individuals would be required to accept this nonsense without question, relying on a few strangers gaining by deceit and fraud, extreme power over them, to supposedly protect and defend their individual natural rights. We are all completely unique individuals, who have every opportunity to defend and protect ourselves and our natural rights, without surrendering those rights to some coercive, abusive, immoral, and  exploitive power called government.

Governments of one form or another, have existed and ruled this country since its inception, and freedom has been lessened forever progressively over the entirety of our existence. Incessant and murderous wars of total aggression created solely by governments, have been brutal, and world destroying. The cannon fodder referred to as the masses, have been subject to death and destruction, all while supporting the murder and slaughter of falsely claimed ‘enemies’ (common innocent people) completely unknown to them, and due only to orders issued by the state. Tyranny has always existed, but has grown to insane levels over time, until all were locked down, (imprisoned), their businesses mandated by the state to close indefinitely, their natural rights purposely destroyed, their financial well-being ruined or severely compromised, psychologically tortured, injected with fatal poisons, in some cases murdered, and their families torn apart. All this happened and is still happening in the name of state power and control.

The beloved, religiously-worshiped, worthless Constitution has helped no one, but harmed most everyone, other than ruling pimps and their whores in government. It is a farce, and an intentional tool created only to enslave the people. What is called ‘conservatism’ is based on reverence of this same constitution, which exposes that these beliefs are steeped in a deep respect for an all-powerful state. This is insanity exemplified. ‘Liberalism’ (and all political parties) uses the same illegal ‘authority’ to bring about massive theft from all in order to expand and redistribute private property and to inflict evil socialistic ‘public’ policy on all. Even some (or many) libertarians,’ while claiming to only want ‘limited’ government, (an impossibility) desire to depend on this same constitution in order to ‘reform’ government by keeping the same failed system in place; relying on voting and illegal and immoral government ‘laws’ to save the day. A modest percentage of the masses are expected to continue voting for this heinous system, in order to promote fake legitimacy to this inherently illegitimate, evil and immoral governing fiasco; claiming that one vote out of 335 million people, allows each to have a say in their own slavery.

Government (the state) depends on total control of all. It depends on its ability to manufacture, create, and pass ‘laws,’ ‘laws’ that are simply restrictive and oppressive rules meant to command and control the proletariat. They create no justice, but only guarantee injustice. No law passed by any government is legitimate, as our natural rights are inclusive of all proper behavior and legitimate justice. No manmade laws can protect rights, they can only strengthen totalitarian rule. We all have a natural right to our life, which means that we have a right to sustain and defend our life. It means we have a right to our own achieved property, including self; all this so long as no aggression or harm to others or their property is evident.

Consider that in order for this abominable government to act as it pretends, it would have to have the full and total support of each single individual of these 335 million people who reside in this country. Could anything be as preposterous as this? In order to protect the natural rights of all, the rights of every single individual must be evident. For justice to be served then, would require that no harm, no theft, no ‘law,’ no mandate, no war, and no aggression of any kind be evident, unless each and every individual knowingly accepted every act by government, and voluntarily agreed to it due to acceptance of an individual contract. Yes, this is impossible, and that is the reason that no government should ever be allowed to stand if freedom and justice are to exist.

How can any government provide for the defense and welfare of hundreds of millions of individuals, all without harming any? If this were to be plausible in any regard, the government, and all its evil members, could do absolutely nothing unless each and every individual had that same exact right. That means that no war, no theft by violent thieving taxation, no laws, no conscription, no restrictions on peaceful behavior, and no meddling in the affairs of any without voluntary consent could ever occur, but government believes that it has a right to steal and harm in favor of itself and its supporters, while the individual would be imprisoned or put to death for committing these same acts.

It should be obvious to every thinking individual, that every law passed by those who call themselves ‘lawmakers,’ will either give favor to one or more, and at the same time take liberty and justice from another, negating any validity of any law arbitrarily considered by these low-life manipulating politicians.

This government, or any government, has never existed to serve anyone other than itself or its own masters, and only allows the people temporary ‘rights’ which advance its own cause. All government only sees the people as pawns to serve government, and has never existed even for one day to serve the people. This is the essence of government; to serve itself and to take all freedom away in order to use the ‘citizenry’ and their property and labor, to advance its wealth and power.

“Therefore, the very idea of a lawmaking government — a government that is to make laws of its own invention — is necessarily in inevitable and direct conflict with “our liberty.” In fact, the only, sole, and only real purpose of any lawmaking government whatever is to take from some one or more persons their “liberty.” Consequently the only way in which all men can preserve their “liberty,” is not to have any lawmaking government at all.”

Orignal: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2023/02/gary-d-barnett/absolutely-worthless-and-criminal-are-the-constitution-conservatism-liberalism-voting-and-government/

The Digital Slave Collar Awaiting Your Compliance – (TPM episode 1)

Concise and well put together video that’s Episode 1 of This Pivotal Moment. This features the elements of the digital slave collar that the sub-human predator class have plans to affix about the necks of every man woman and child globally. It is being built out in the background and prepared for deployment as we ignore at our own peril. The plan is to utilise some contrived and manufactured crisis as the vehicle to impose it upon us all and introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) financial system . 

YOU have the means to stop it as it will require your compliance to help secure the locked collar around your neck and put the tether in their hand. YOU have the choice to comply or resist because the cage they’ve set before us requires you to enter into it and to acquiesce to being their livestock. Pets to the system to harvest work, finances and enforced fealty in eternal bondage.

This is the test of your mettle to see if you are valiant, proud and free citizens, or broken animals to be abused, tested upon and Eugenicided at will. If you’ve ever wondered what the life of a captive zoo animal was like, the compliant will soon see, as they are transformed into that very creature.

Stay feral, ferocious and free or die slowly in digital chains in a cage that YOU chose to enter. The choice is NOW for you to make. You serve them, you deserve them.

Why governments are hostile

If you ask a random person what the main purpose of government is, what would be the answer? Of course, most people think or believe that governments are necessary to protect the people, create and maintain public infrastructure, and perhaps in some more socialist oriented countries, organise some public welfare and/or healthcare system. But how does this relate to the actual daily life needs of people?

It’s not hard to concoct a list of things most people need: money, affordable housing, affordable energy, affordable and clean water, clean air, healthy food, clothing, affordable health care, education, exercise, to be able to travel, peace, happiness and security. This is just a short list but I guess it covers the basics. If you believe a TV or a computer is essential for everyday life, please feel free to add this to your personal list. But this is not about what should be on this list and what not. The point I’m trying to make here is that no government actually provides these things for people. Most people will need to provide for and take care of their families and themselves, earning money, buying or renting a house, buying food, clothes, paying all the utility and doctors bills and making sure everyone’s safe.

If the sole reason for the existence of governments rests on the principle that they should serve the people (and not the other way around), then why are they not doing so?

The answer is very simple: they can’t. Any government of course would deny this, because it would undermine their existence. So instead, many governments make sure that people are in some way dependent on them, or at least make them believe that they are. So they will try to ‘regulate’ almost anything they can, to gain power and control, and try to sell this as being beneficial. But does this really serve the people?

What about the law and the police, you might say? Isn’t that just a typical thing that should be handled by governments? Yes and no. I think we can all agree upon the fact that in every society, small and large, we need some common set of rules and some sort of law enforcement to make sure we keep the peace and have justice when needed. But to leave this solely in the hands of governments is extremely dangerous. Have you ever asked yourself, what would happen if a government turns against its own citizens and is not to be trusted anymore? Who will protect you if the same government makes, upholds en enforces laws?

And what about the military? We should at least have a military to protect the country, right? Well, yes, of course we need some way to defend ourselves from foreign invaders, but have you noticed the role of the military lately? The focus of the military has shifted from defending the country to a more offensive role, where ‘peace keeping’ is done by invading other countries, eliminating possible (terrorist) threats. And ask yourself, did these interventions really contribute to more peace and stability? And what about the fact that in some countries soldiers are now ‘assisting’ local police to enforce dubious laws? So in that perspective I can honestly say that having such a military, especially one controlled by our governments, is not giving me a feeling of security.

Today we are having one crisis after the next. And we all look upon our leaders to solve them.

There’s a pandemic (although according to some the pandemic is over), we have a climate crisis (supposedly one we all agree upon), a financial crises and a looming nuclear war. So what should people be able to expect from their governments? Please feel free to reflect with me on these topics to come up with some obvious solutions. We’ll start with the war. How about peace talks and disarmament? Sounds good not? I don’t see it happen, do you? The financial crisis then. I would suggest to stop borrowing more money and start paying back depts, like we all learned from our parents and grandparents. Instead governments keep printing and borrowing more money than ever. The climate crisis is real many people say. So how should our government handle this one? How about getting rid of all pollution (the real reason why people get sick), and trying to live in harmony with nature, taking care of our legacy and our natural resources instead of exploiting them? Again, I think this solution is too obvious. And last but not least, the pandemic. I don’t want to say too much about this, so I stick with mentioning the fact that imposing lockdowns by copying Chinese tactics, and forcing people to get jabbed with an, at least dubious, ‘vaccine’ is not the way forward.

Heaving said all this, I feel the need to also mention some of the good things governments do for the people, like social benefits, public schools, hospitals, roads and transport.

I strongly believe in the importance of having such public services, because they also provide (social and financial) security for people. But please keep in mind that although this sounds good, these things cost a lot of money, which we all have to pay for. This is why we pay taxes, although unwillingly, otherwise you’ll get fined or end up in prison. Not very friendly isn’t it? Don’t get me wrong, this is not a plea for the abolishment of taxes, but they should at least be reasonable. In some countries the total tax burden is as high as 80% for ordinary people with a regular income. Is this reasonable? But hey, I don’t mind paying a little more to support others that really need it, although I would prefer to do this voluntary.

Ok, this article is becoming a long read, sorry for that. But I needed to get it all of my chest. So yes, finally, when summing all up, in my honest opinion, governments are not your friend and, I dare to say they are hostile, which makes them an enemy of the people. They take your money forcefully, they create more problems then they solve, they’re not capable of handling crises, and they don’t provide what people really need. Instead, they seem to do quite the opposite, making things worse. And they tend to grow bigger every day, spending more money and creating more problems. And please listen carefully when I say this: this is not the fault of the men and women working for the government. They just do their job. It’s the system, and in the end the people that believe in this system, which is the primaire reason governments thrive. And in that simple fact lies the cause of all mischief, but also the solution.