Briljant video about the ‘safe and effective’ COVID vaccines! Watch and learn.
“Collectively we wish to live in a society that celebrates uniqueness of body, mind and spirit, guiding us in navigating this complex existence, as adults. But like children we were commanded by force and coercion.”
About the Russia/Ukraine conflict in light of the latest revelations about who planned and carried out the Nord Stream 2 blasts, but also on the geo-strategic, international legal and historical background of the conflict.
Concise and well put together video that’s Episode 1 of This Pivotal Moment. This features the elements of the digital slave collar that the sub-human predator class have plans to affix about the necks of every man woman and child globally. It is being built out in the background and prepared for deployment as we ignore at our own peril. The plan is to utilise some contrived and manufactured crisis as the vehicle to impose it upon us all and introduce a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) financial system .
YOU have the means to stop it as it will require your compliance to help secure the locked collar around your neck and put the tether in their hand. YOU have the choice to comply or resist because the cage they’ve set before us requires you to enter into it and to acquiesce to being their livestock. Pets to the system to harvest work, finances and enforced fealty in eternal bondage.
This is the test of your mettle to see if you are valiant, proud and free citizens, or broken animals to be abused, tested upon and Eugenicided at will. If you’ve ever wondered what the life of a captive zoo animal was like, the compliant will soon see, as they are transformed into that very creature.
Stay feral, ferocious and free or die slowly in digital chains in a cage that YOU chose to enter. The choice is NOW for you to make. You serve them, you deserve them.